Why Insecticidal Nets Are Better Than Chemical Sprays?

How to prevent from insects?

Well, the best way to protect yourself from insects is by using an “insect net”. Using an insect net is one of the best strategies that people use to keep those insects away. We can say that most people are annoyed by insects. 

long lasting insecticidal nets

Insect’s buzzes:

There have been many instances when your night is ruined by noisy buzzes of insects or worst you end up scratching all night long because you have been bitten by this tiny bloodsuckers.

Protection against insect bites:

The long lasting insecticidal nets are not only effective in protecting you against insect bites but it also protects you from other bugs and insects. What's good about using a net is that you will be spared from inhaling harmful chemicals used in repellents and insect sprays. 

Some issues with nets:

However, some people would think that using insect nets are outdated and unfashionable. They might also assume that sleeping inside this net can be uncomfortable. The truth is insect nets can still be very fashionable, depending on how you choose to install the net. 

How net is used?

Usually, nets are tied into the poles of the bed to provide protection. But actually, you can opt to tie it on top of the bed, particularly in the middle for it to drop down like a tent. This can be a very artistic way of placing your net.

long lasting insecticidal nets

Different types of nets:

Moreover, you do have an option to choose between using cotton made or polyester made insect nets, depending of course on which type would suit you best. If you are planning to take the net into different travels with you, you can choose the polyester type because it is much lighter. It is also more durable as compared to the cotton made insect nets.

Colors, sizes and shapes:

In addition to that, insect nets also come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. There are those which are intended for personal use, on the other hand, there are also those which can cater a group.

It covers the whole body:

Insect nets are also made in such a way that it can cover special parts of your body which are ideal to use when you go on outdoor camping.

long lasting insecticidal nets

It prevents insect bites:

You see, using this option to prevent this blood sucking insect from pestering you is indeed very effective and it can also give you a lot of advantages in terms of comfort and durability. Not to mention that it costs a lot cheaper as compared to other means of eradicating insects. More so, you can use these long lasting insecticidal nets over and over again. Thus, allowing you to take total benefit of the money that you spent on purchasing this protective net.
