Preparation for Worst Is the Key to Protection

Man has been able to control a lot in his surroundings with the help of latest inventions and discoveries, but there are many things that he is not yet able to control or have the power to modify or stop and that are natural hazards and disasters. It has a great negative impact not only on the affected human population, but also on the human race to come (often times). There are some naturally occurring processes, that are uncontrollable and mostly these hazardous processes are geological in nature for example; earthquakes, floods, droughts, landslides, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, subsidence, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. and the chances of these disasters are increasing because of deforestation, pollution and eventually global warming. 

Core Relief Items

Also, there are non-geological hazards like the threats of wars, invasions, terrorism, that might put the people of that particular area at risk and force them to leave the homes and become refugees or affected. Also, there are risks for epidemic diseases, wildfires, and insect related infestations that could have a catastrophic effect on that population. This all calls for preparation in advance so that the damage and loss can be prevented, controlled or at the least, minimized.

Different organizations are working worldwide to help maintain the list of core relief items, which could help in minimal preparation for such catastrophic events. In this regard United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has developed a list of such items that should be included in the kit, and they include; Water supply for at least 3 days, mosquito nets that should be rectangular in shape and there should be two nets per family of five persons. It should also have a family a tarpaulin sheet in it.

Other core relief items include; Thermal blankets, synthetic blankets for indoor and outdoor use, also there has to be synthetic sleeping mats in the kit along with the heavy duty plastic bucket with lid that should have a minimum capacity of 10 Liters and a Jerry can. Kitchen set should include cooking utensils enough for a family of 5 people with one per family of five. The items should be of stainless steel, and only cooking pots and frying pans can be of aluminum. There should be cloth for the sanitary requirements of females and it should be made of 100 % cotton flannel.
